11 June 2010


Another one, pure inspiration. Little else.

12 May 2010

Clever Nettle

Adding a new blog to the fascinations brigade: Clever Nettle. As I delve into the fantastical world of what I like to call the visual literary realm--the bringing to life of story and the falling in love with idea--of styling, a tip-toeing into the cool waters of design is called for. And I couldn't be happier to immerse myself once again, this time with more purpose, plus a host of other influences waiting at the gates. Enjoy her images and Etsy! Photo via Clever Nettle.

04 May 2010

Beach Immortal

She felt as if riding a wave, made up of the chords her mind struck when finding avenues of expression. And she exhaled at the thought of understanding something so golden. Golden.

The lost loves make it hard to get home safe.

The wind had picked up when they finally made it back to the sand. Balloons whipped together, tangling the candy-colored strings and sounding like drums beating wildly from a hundred rhythmic hands.

Five centimeters of thought in the right direction, but the wind blew it five miles too far.

19 April 2010

It's been a weird life lately.

Nighttime dreams of setting sail on ships doomed to perish.

Dark skies and fiery ovals hanging from cliff side tree houses,

letting go of the children who fall to their demise.

Standing by the wayside with a group of students,

with a former journalistic mentor,

on the sandy beach at night while the black waves tipped their white caps at us

and the village burned with small fires to our left,

then to our right.

Climbing up into the vessel that would surely go under water,

we were in Thailand or Korea

and I just knew taking another puddle jumper back home

would crash just as this boat would sink.

Damned if I do, Damned if I don't.

With a yet-to-be-built inspiration wall to save me from sinking I will be devoting this space for just that:

a collection of intent.


Inspired Livin':
Kitties, tepees, joy in life.

Fanny and Bill on The Selby and their City Hall Wedding.

20 February 2010


"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

-- Lewis Carrol

But keep on believing those far after the breakfasting hour ends.

Fast only to break it.
Just collecting jewels over here
Readying for another leap
And if the cliff turns out to be a valley wall
I'll take solace that the window or door
Which deceived me in the first place
Still counts as an awakening.
For it is the spirit I'm after
More so than the sedentary.
So possibility dons
with its necklace.
Of the metaphysical chain
connecting tangible or semi-tangible
distilled into one jewel,
the moment your path crosses with some others
like you've been on a crash course
or just blithely fell together
upon life's whim.
All being collected
what will eventually be strung together
or is being strung together
along the way.
.. ///..
Tie the kite strings round your fingers.

05 February 2010


Just for Fun

And for Sanity

11 January 2010


Are we a people who want
nothing more
than to be moved?

Or is it just me
who wants to be moved

and to do the moving?

This blog is mostly an amalgamation of images culled from interweb wanderings, falling under categories inspiration and amusement. Please contact me if you would like your work removed from my site.